360 ° Interview with Matthew Nimetz: I do not bring a new proposal
The United Nations mediator in the name negotiations, Matthew Nimetz, is coming to Skopje at the weekend where he will meet with the state-run government on Sunday and Monday. This will be the first direct contacts of the mediator with the new authorities in Macedonia.
In anticipation of the visit to the region, because from Macedonia will go to Greece, mediator Nimetz gave an interview for “360 degrees”.
Listen to why and with what comes Nimitz, what is being negotiated in the process, is the identity of ethnic Macedonians subject to negotiations, thinking about the Greek argument for the existence of irredentism on the Macedonian side and what are the prospects for solutions.
– Interview with former Prime Minister Vlado Buckovski.
– New Sabotage.
Published on 07/18/2017 by tvstanici