24 Otvoreno – Crossroads, To Be or Not To Be?

Published on 10/04/2019 by

24 Otvoreno – Crossroads, To Be or Not To Be?

The days are counted. Will the European Union deliver a start date for the country’s negotiations? The Prespa Treaty has become a diplomacy victory over nationalism, but will it be enough luggage to keep us on the European path? Will the Union reward the courage to solve problems or will the replay of the tactical game drag on? Cross country, to be or not to be? Will there finally be “clear and essential” or another message in cellophane?

Nikola Dujovski, Samoil Malchevski, Mersel Biljali and analyst Safet Bisevac are on the eve of the European Council meeting on October 15 on European integration.


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