Interview with Kristijan Mickovski

Published on 01/13/2018 by

Interview with Kristijan Mickovski

Asked about the new composition of the IC, he said that it was a matter of people who spent many years in the party hierarchy, and whose activism went through all party stages. “Some of them were engaged in the central organs of the party, such as the processes when we have regional or republic electoral headquarters before the elections. I think that these are people who are extremely important for the party from the past, people who are strongly motivated, people I suppose will be a precursor to many ideas, people who will add value to the VMRO-DPMNE itself in the coming ” , said Mitzkoski.

Asked about the new Secretary General, Igor Janushev, a man who appears in the “bombs” and receives orders from Mile Janakievski, Miskoski described him as a longtime member of the party and his close associate. Miskovski added that he did not hear anything from the content in the bombs and that he did not want to comment on illegally acquired materials.

“Janushev is a close associate of Hristijan Mickoski, and when I was a secretary general he was my associate, he is not a collaborator of Mile Janakievski.”

For the absence or “cleansing” of old officials such as Milososki and Dimovski, who opposed holding the Congress and were part of such a party initiative, Miskovski said that this is a new composition of IC, that it is a dynamic process.

“This is his initial version, which will end up adding new people. This composition is a good starting position that will be added to the final physiognomy. “

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