The eternal rivals among the Albanian parties in difficult combinators before the second round. A race for mayors or a race to rescue party leaders’ careers? How certain is the government’s reconstruction – who enters, and who comes out of it?
Debate with former Deputy Prime Minister Imer Selmani and journalist Ljupco Popovski.
Among other things, Semani said:
– We should not forget that the great power that spoiled VMRO-DPMNE can spoil SDSM.
– VMRO-DPMNE needs to be reformed. It would be healthy for the party, but for the state.
– Gruevski tactics. His resignation would not be merely an ordinary resignation in the party, but should also be seen and what would be the personal consequences for him, given all the trials against him.
– SDSM’s decision to support DUI candidates is actually SDSM’s support for central level policies through stable DUI at the local level.
Among other things Popovski said:
– If it was not DUI Zaev would not have made a government. From that point of view, Zaev expresses confidence in the coalition partner. It’s political pragmatism.
– I do not believe that Gruevski will resign.
– This leadership of VMRO-DPMNE will move along the trajectory to remain as it is in the party.
– What reforms VMRO-DPMNE reformers advocate if they do not require moral and political responsibility from the current leadership of the party.