Government measures for economic investment growth

Published on 12/29/2017 by

Government measures for economic investment growth.

Koco Angjushev: The figures are absolutely real, since they have so far been used to support the economy, but will now be more accessible to companies, and not just to 23 of them.
Over 6,700 companies meet the criteria for measures. They are most supportive for start-up and greenfield investments.
A long-term economic strategy can be built if you have an export-oriented industry.
We expect 100,000 employments in the coming period of this government.
That we have the same measures with the previous government, it is not at all.
In the first and second pillars will receive funds from all companies that will meet the criteria. If there are not enough planned funds for this we will find a source of funds.

Kiril Minovski: The promoted measure for the support for domestic companies is a measure initiated in December 2016. And it is good that we see the measure again.
The previous government was not helped by just 23 companies, but much more. There was a whole range of investments to help companies.
What I did not see in the measures is how much funds are allocated for each of them, according to which principle the funds of the companies will be allocated.
How many jobs did the new government create?
The measures lack certain details and it remains to be seen the rulebooks on the functioning of these measures.

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