360 degrees season 3, Br 77 (in depth)

Published on 07/18/2017 by

In the new edition of “360 Degrees”:
– SDSM in the Government, VMRO-DPMNE to power. Complex procedures, lack of staff, or problems in the coalition. Why has the new government changed barely 12 out of 500 state-level executives?
– German ambassador Althauser goes without an apology after Ivanov’s personal insults.
– Stajkovci and Singelic – one year after the catastrophic flood.
– Even 445 thousand citizens of Macedonia live with 1 meal a day, and 17 tons of food ends each day in landfills. The donation bureaucracy lasts longer than the shelf life of the food. How do the banks donate food to blame?
– New Sabotage.
