The so-called honeymoon of the Government ended – hundreds of days passed, summaries of results, but also criticism.
Telma exclusively with a survey for the first 100 days of the work of Zaev’s cabinet. How many citizens are satisfied with his work so far? What were the expectations of the citizens for the areas for which the greatest impact should have been devoted and what was the Government focused on? We also have questions about local elections: What will be the key to the election of mayor?
These are only part of the questions from the first part of the poll – the first part with the ratings of the parties and the candidates will be held tomorrow. The annex was conducted by telephone from “M Prospect” from 4 to 11 September to 1005 local residents and is nationally representative.
Analyzed by Ermira Mehmeti, former MP, Marko Trosanovski from the Institute for Democracy, Aleksandar Krzalovski from the Macedonian Center for International Cooperation.
Published on 09/13/2017 by tvstanici