Western Balkans Summit on Wednesday in Trieste

Published on 07/18/2017 by

In the latest edition of “360 degrees” for this season:
– The interesting coincidence between the start of Gruevski’s rule in 2006 and the start of Zaev now, which was adopted by the Western Balkans Summit on Wednesday in Trieste.
– About the significance of Zaev’s meeting with Merkel.
– What is the same and what is different for Macedonia and the region, and what else has brought the gathering in the seaside Italian city of Trieste?
– Interview with Minister Nikola Dimitrov made in Trieste.
– A conversation in a studio with Milan Zivkovic from the Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
– Conversation with Tobias Fleskenkampper, a German expert on Macedonia and the Balkans.
– New Sabotage.

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