Interview with Radmila Sekerinska

Published on 11/04/2017 by

In Top Tema on your side an interview with the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense Radmila Sekerinska.

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What are the options for Macedonia’s entry into NATO in 2018? Will the election coalitions reconstruct the government? How will the budget be provided for both the modernization of the army and the salaries of soldiers?
Watch the interview on the Top Theme on your page to hear the answers to these questions.

Among other things, Sekerinska said:

Appointed by the government that they think they are above the law will very soon be left without its function.
The government does not discriminate against who is the mayor of some municipalities.
Remarks on the indivisibility of the party from the state were in the context of the verbal one.
I am happy and content that the loudness of society has become a factor that will have to be respected. But we need time to learn where the boundary of public and private is.
We, as SDSM, do not have the right to mistake and selfishness, and anyone who wants to support the reforms is welcome. It does not necessarily mean participation in the Government.
If there was not someone in VMRO-DPMNE to announce that evening to Gruevski not to keep an hour like Ceausescu, then there are not many brave people there to tell him the truth.
Although it is tempting with these results to have new parliamentary elections, we do not want to be the new Gruevski.
There are deputies from the opposition, from the coalition of VMRO-DPMNE, who announced support for government projects.
For eight years, the ARM did not have a pay rise. The budget for 2018 will be the obligation for 10% higher wages.
Instead of starting purchases like our pre-conditions, we started with a strategic document that will know exactly what is needed and what are the priority projects for the modernization of the ARM.
The ARM morale has fallen not because of waiting for NATO, but because of the erosion of the system.
To resolve the name we will talk with Greece without any complements and hidden interests.
For the name solution to be stable, they should not be the basis for new divisions, we believe that they should go to a referendum.

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