Interview with Prime Minister Zoran Zaev

Published on 12/25/2017 by

In an interview with the journalist Borjan Jovanovski in the show “Nokno Studio” by Telma, Prime Minister Zoran Zaev speaks about the Government’s work, why and how did Venko Filipce come to be elected Minister of Health and why the latest proposal by the Alliance of Albanians for this place does not was acceptable.
He is optimistic that Macedonia will be rewarded for its work and reforms by receiving an invitation to start accession negotiations with the European Union.
As for the name dispute with Greece, Zaev refuses to publicly comment in order not to jeopardize the position of Macedonia.
I believe that we will be able to fully maintain our dignity, because if I lose my dad is everything, that a solution will be found. I am convinced that together we can find a solution. The time of patriotism has ended, the entire world is moving forward – says Zaev.

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